Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Week 1 meal plan

So, week 1 back on the wagon. I had the obligatory blow out at the weekend and got it all out of my system and yesterday I hit the ground running.

I have meal planned, pointed everything and even refused pudding last night after dinner as I had no points left. I have given the husband the left over Scotch Egg for lunch today and I have been to the supermarket and done the worlds most virtuous shop. I swear it was all fruit and vegetables, low fat cottage cheese, lean meat, wholegrain carbs, green tea and some tinned sardines for a quick omega 3 fuelled lunch. I even re-acquainted myself with my rather neglected gym equipment in the garage. I will admit to a home made latte and a packet of crisps afterwards but it's all pointed and accounted for. I know from previous experience if I deny myself everything I just want the bad stuff even more which is when I fall off the wagon.

Menu plan for the week - a short week as weigh in is on Saturday morning.

Monday: Left over roast chicken, mashed potato & veg
Tuesday: Chorizo & cherry tomato pasta
Wednesday: Teriyaki salmon with rice and veg
Thursday: Reggae chicken with sweet potato mash and collard greens
Friday: Chilli & jacket potato

I am trying to make tasty, interesting meals all made from scratch so I can make the most of my point allowance and make this really healthy. One of my biggest bug bears is the tendency of people on weight watchers to swallow the marketing and try to live off the ready meals and the other additive laden food. Don't get me wrong, I have a soft spot for the weight watchers frozen eclairs but I feel that this is about changing eating habits and looking at what is healthy and good for you. Being overweight is enough of a health problem without fuelling that with more bad food. I have written previously about my diet rules and how I'd rather have less full fat product than more sugar-laden low fat product and a recent article in Healthy Living Magazine reiterated that low fat products can be bad for you.

Enough of my ranting - must nearly be time for lunch?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! Have a fabulous first week back on plan.

