Saturday, 20 April 2013

the results are in

and at the end of week one....*drum roll please*

I've lost 2lbs! I'm quite pleased with this as I only really started on Monday and what with a really topsy-turvy week I am amazed I didn't pig out.

So this week has been strange. I've had son no1 away for 3 days, son no2 poorly and I've been working not my usual days and even work itself has all been rather upended. I've realised that it's strange how much routine plays in my relationship with food. I know, for example that:-

1. On my days off I'm more likely to not stick 100% to my points and on my days at work when everything is pre-planned and packaged up, then I'm going to stick to things better.
2. If I don't eat breakfast on my days off before the school run, then it's a recipe for disaster for the rest of the day.
3. My danger time is about 5pm when I've got a while to go before dinner, lunch is wearing off and I have a bit of a slump. I need to make sure I have something low point to hand so I don't hit the biscuit tin.

So overall I'm happy this week. I've learnt that I still don't like exercising but it makes me feel good - how on earth that works I don't know. I've also learnt I can resist the chocolate, I bought a milky way double pack on Wednesday and it's still sitting in the fridge (I ate a banana instead).

Onwards and downwards, but for now I'm off to rest my wobbly legs (and sore bum) for the 5 mile bike ride I did earlier.

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